Worldwide Multi Stakeholder Ethical Principles for Responsible Technology Consultations Concluded in Silicon Valley

A group of people standing behind a conference table

Nov 27, 2023 News & Insights

In a pivotal step towards shaping the future of responsible innovation, the worldwide multi-stakeholder Ethical Principles for Responsible Technology initiative recently concluded with its North American consultation, where all the groundbreaking technological innovations have been birthed. This marked the tenth stop in a series of global consultations.

At the Heart of Tech Innovation, a Groundbreaking Consultation

Following the footsteps of its European counterpart, the Silicon Valley session, which took place at the Stanford University Campus, adopted an innovative format. The day-long deliberations allowed participants to explore intricate questions surrounding ethics, norms, governance, and the impact of disruptive technologies. Organizers gained invaluable perspectives, covering aspects from mapping existing efforts to identifying best practices and addressing contemporary ecosystem shortcomings.

The Silicon Valley consultation engaged diverse stakeholders, including representatives from governments, businesses, civil society, the technical community, investors, and academia. Participants recognized the necessity for a diverse toolkit that extends beyond regulatory measures, emphasizing the importance of agile and adaptive processes alongside static principles. The discussions focused on the need of participants for assistance in translating sophisticated strategies into specific and practical standards and operational procedures, rather than formulating novel principles.

More importantly, participants expressed their concern about investing in ethical thinking and practices when time and market pressure usually prevent them from doing so.

With over 200 experts actively contributing across the ten global consultations, this initiative represents a united effort to address the challenges posed by evolving technologies.

Towards the First Outcomes and Impactful Change in Ethical Innovation

As the initiative progresses, the next milestone is the mid-December release of the first draft document. This document will be open for feedback, encouraging further collaboration and refinement. The culmination is set for February 2024, when the final document will be published, marking the beginning of the impact phase. This phase aims to translate the established principles and processes into concrete actions, seamlessly integrated into the innovation cycles of emerging technologies.

The Multi-stakeholder Ethical Principles for Responsible Technology initiative is making significant strides towards fostering a positive future where ethics and technological innovation walk hand in hand. As the initiative continues to gather insights and perspectives from around the world, it reinforces the importance of collaboration in shaping the technological landscape for the better.

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