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Project Liberty Alliance

About The Project Liberty Alliance

The Project Liberty Alliance consists of over 100 organizations—tech companies, policy groups, impact initiatives, academic institutions, and more—committed to a people-powered internet.

The Alliance serves as a learning and collaboration engine through which members of the community can advance their organizational goals, all while strengthening the overlaps in our missions. It is designed as a way to share learnings, build relationships, and spark collaborations throughout the responsible tech ecosystem and related fields.

Project Liberty Alliance Engagement

Monthly Pop-ups: Our virtual pop-ups offer occasions for Alliance members to showcase current projects, host workshops and interviews, and engage in discussions that explore how their work intersects with current events. 

Listserv: Alliance members use the channel to communicate organizational updates, invite members to events, and share relevant field information.

Opportunity for Connections: Project Liberty facilitates connections among Alliance organizations to bolster our work and strengthen the collaborative efforts among members. Furthermore, Alliance members are encouraged to participate in Project Liberty’s events, gatherings, and strategic initiatives. 

How To Join

To join the Project Liberty Alliance, please review and submit the following interest form. Once submitted, we will reach out to set up a time to connect our teams. Of note, there are no formal engagement requirements, but we ask that your organization is aligned in mission (only organizations can join).

Alliance Members

The Alliance continues to develop and grow. Here are our members, but for more detailed information, visit our directory here.

Becca Schmill Foundation logo
Block Party
Center for Economic Research logo
Children and Screens logo
Decentralization Research Center
Do Something dot org logo
fast forward logo
Future Caucus
Future of Life Institute logo
Heat Initiative logo
hii Foundation logo
Human Change
The Kempe Foundation logo
Mothers Against Media Addiction logo
No App For Life logo
Open Society Foundations logo
People-Centered Internet logo
The Same House
Thorn logo
UX for Good logo
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